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amirulazwan, seventeen

Thursday 18 November 2010

happy birthday miaa :)

16 years old..
dh besar dh kau erk. hahaha.
btw sory lah wishh kau lmbt.
hahaa, just dh plan dr awal lh. haha. nk clbrte birthday kau.
seriuss tday was the greates onee. hahaha
n alsso my mum give me a green light :P
just sayy, jgn blik lmbt sgtt. hee
hahaha, play true or dare. hahha
smpai mamat tuh pon bleh gk erk.
hahahah, bestbest.
lastly i hope god bless u alwayss miaa :)
and alsoo, thnk you all of you.
thee bestt onee!! :D
i love you guyss..

di sunting oleh,
amirul azwan =)

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